Monday 12 May 2014

My example of Maurizio Galimberti

This is my own photograph inspired by Maurizio Galimberti . I think that this is my favourite piece of work I have done so far in photography. What I did was basically taking pictures of the model as she turns in the chair. As you can see I kept going down with the camera gradually so that you get the full view of what the model is doing .


 Johnny Depp. Photo Credit: Maurizio Galimberti.
Johnny Depp. Photo Credit: Maurizio Galimberti.
His collection of mosaic portraits made up of slightly tilted Polaroid photos lined up to show each subject from three different angles. The images seem to capture the celebrities deep in thought, sometimes leaning their head down or placing a hand on their chin. All portraits are arranged in the same order, but the collages are as different as the stars who populate them.

Friday 9 May 2014

My Example Of Julian Wolkenstein

This Photoshop edit is inspired by the photographer Julian Wolkenstein, where you will be producing two mirror image portraits of my model. An example of this photographer's work can be seen on my before post.

Julian Wolkenstein


This is an image by Julian Wolkenstein who uses the idea of reflection in their work. Most human faces are not completely symmetrical and this style of image can prove this. I like how you can get two completely different images from one portrait just by flipping half of it.I perticulary like this image as the first time i have seen it i did not know that it was flipped or had anything done to only when i was told so. it's very interesting to see how what we used to believe isnt really true.