Monday 9 June 2014

Arnold Newman- My own

This is my own image as an example of Arnold Newman's enviroment portrait works. The idea of this photograph and hie work is to capture an image with a background that reflects the enviroment that the person in the picture lives in and experience through their life. As shown in this image the background is an art-pottery room, with paints and pots shown in the image it tells the viewer what kind of enviroment that the model works in. I like this kind of photography as it has meaning and a story behind the image taken this way.

Arnold Newman- Artist research

Newman found his vision in the empathy he felt for artists and their work. Although he photographed many personalities. Newman is often credited with being the first photographer to use so-called environmental portraiture, in which the photographer places the subject in a carefully controlled setting to capture the essence of the individual's life and work. Newman normally captured his subjects in their most familiar surroundings with representative visual elements showing their professions and personalities. A musician for instance might be photographed in their recording studio or on stage, a Senator or other politician in their office or a representative building.