Friday 25 April 2014

Matt Wisniewski my example

This is my example image inspired by Matt Wisniewski's work. For this photoshoot the theme was fashion so the model did a different kind of  poses. I also took a series of landscape photographs that I could combine with the portrait in photoshop. I imported the images and selected the clothes using the mask tool, then inversed the mask so the clothes were selected and rub them out using the eraser tool at 10% opacity. Which allowed me to  control how much of the portrait was rubbing out and therefore how much the image underneath was coming through. After the double-exposure affect was finished I selected the background using the quick-select tool and painted it white using the brush tool. This gives the fashion magazine affect as there is no distracting details in the background and usually in fashion magizines they add info on the makeup or clothes etc. The white background makes the words easier to read.

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